Breastfeeding and Lactation Consultations

Embracing motherhood is a beautiful experience for a woman, though sometimes they encounter a few hurdles in the journey. After childbirth, a baby does not derive nutrients from the mother's body. Breastfeeding should begin a few hours after birth; it helps provide colostrum to the baby. The initially expressed milk is rich in antibodies and helps fight off infections. According to Dr. Kerry Kirifides from Just kids Pediatrics in Newark, DE, breastfeeding is superior to formula milk in many respects.

Doctors always advise giving infant formula only when breastfeeding is not possible for various reasons. After all the formula only tries to replicate the nutrition-rich mother's milk. A mother develops a special bond with her newborn when she breastfeeds. Moreover, the baby senses emotional security and warmth. Coping outside the protective womb is made easier for obvious reasons. An integral part of consultations in Newark, DE, is breastfeeding education. Giving birth is a natural process, so is breastfeeding your young one. But it may not be a smooth process for everyone. The newborn can find it difficult to 'latch' to the breast and thus not feed. It can be tiresome to the baby and the mother. A few lessons on lactation before birth can give a heads-up to pregnant ladies that will help them later on. Sore breasts, cracked nipples, and a weary body can wear out the new mothers. During consultations, our experts address any queries like how often the baby needs feeding and is the milk adequate. Learning about breastfeeding and lactation benefits not only you but your baby too.

Motherhood is a wonderful yet challenging journey. Preparing for it is one the best ways to ace at it. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Kerry Kirifides from Just kids Pediatrics in Newark, DE, for more information on breastfeeding and lactation by calling us at (302) 918-6400 today.