What You Need to Watch for with Your Newborn

The first couple of weeks with your precious newborn could be magical, but also equally challenging, regardless of whether you’re a new or seasoned mom. But here’s what you need to remember; life for your little one is actually very simple during these first weeks. You just need to feed your baby regularly, ensure that they're sleeping safely, and shower them with love and attention. These are the essentials that you need to focus on.

But there’s also a chance that you’ll experience some hiccups, whether due to difficulty breastfeeding or something else. Fortunately, you can visit us here at Just Kids Pediatrics in Newark, DE, if you need professional guidance. With this in mind, here are essential things you should know about newborn childcare.

Sleep and Your Newborn

Newborns sleep all the time. Expect your child to sleep for around 14 to 18 hours all throughout the day, waking regularly to feed. Breastfed babies usually have to feed every two hours or so, while those who are formula-fed typically feed every three or four hours. When your little one is slumbering, ensure that she does so safely. This means now pillows, crib bumpers, blankets, or stuffed toys that could increase the risk accidents, or worse, SIDS.

Feeding and Your Little One

Expect your baby to feed eight or more times daily. However, because your baby and your breasts don’t come with a measuring device, it could be hard to gauge when or if your baby has had enough milk. There are, however, some pretty surefire clues. If your baby’s not fussy and seems content, making enough soiled diapers (about eight or more daily), and is putting on enough weight, she’s most likely feeding enough.

That being said, not all women have an effortless time breastfeeding, and there are tons of feeding stuff to learn and master, as well as issues to fix, such as latching to mastitis, and many others. Just remember that there’s help out there. If you’re having trouble breastfeeding, reach out to us in our Newark, DE, office to get in touch with our expert lactation consultants.

For any Questions or Concerns about Breastfeeding or other Newborn Child Care issues, We Can Help.

Call (302) 918-6400 to schedule your consultation at Just Kids Pediatrics in Newark, DE.