When To See Someone About Child Obesity

Are you concerned about your child’s weight?

Obesity is an epidemic in US children and teens. We have seen a drastic increase in the number of kids who are severely overweight or obese. Obesity can also lead to a host of other issues including type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, heart problems, sleep disorders and liver issues. If you are concerned about your child’s obesity issues, our Newark, DE, pediatricians Dr. Kerry Kirifides and Dr. Sonia Shastry are here to help.

Is my child obese?

In order to determine true childhood obesity, our Newark, DE, team needs to first determine your child’s body mass index (BMI). We understand that it isn’t always easy to tell whether your child might be overweight or obese. After all, their weight may fluctuate as they get older, and all kids are different. The body mass index is calculated by measuring your child’s weight relative to their height.

A healthy weight is defined as children and teens who are in the 5th-84th percentile. Children in the 85th-95th percentile are considered overweight and kids in the 95th or over percentile are considered obese. Since our team records your child’s height and weight during their well-child visits we can often provide a BMI percentile as well.

Why is obesity a cause for concern?

Carrying around extra weight can lead to long-term health problems for your child later in life. Being overweight or obese puts them at risk for a wide range of potentially serious health problems. Your child may also deal with self-esteem issues or depression as a result of their weight. If you are concerned about your child’s weight or health, you can always talk with our Newark, DE, pediatric team to discuss ways to help them lose weight safely while also developing healthier habits.

Why is my child obese?

Many factors can contribute to childhood obesity including,

  • Behavioral factors such as eating large portions, mindlessly eating or snacking (aka eating while watching TV) and lack of physical activities
  • Environmental factors such as a lack of sports and other physical activities in their community or lack of access to healthy foods (or easy access to junk foods)
  • Genetic factors such as a family history of obesity or weight issues
  • Certain medications such as steroids or antidepressants can also cause weight gain
  • Certain health conditions such as thyroid disorders can also lead to weight gain

How is childhood obesity treated?

This is something that our Newark, DE, pediatricians will discuss more in-depth when you and your child come in for an evaluation. We will provide nutritional guidance and counseling and get to know more about your child’s current eating habits and physical activity. From there, we will provide additional info to help your child adopt a healthier, more active lifestyle that may include,

  • Getting an hour of aerobic activity a day
  • Avoiding sugary drinks such as soft drinks and energy drinks
  • Eating a colorful, whole foods balanced diet that includes lean protein, lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and nuts and seeds
  • Eating smaller portions
  • Removing junk food, fast food and prepackaged meals from your child’s diet
  • Limit snacking and instead sit down to regular meals together

With child obesity rates continuing to increase, it’s important to have medical professionals such as our Newark, DE, pediatricians Dr. Kirifides and Dr. Shastry that you can turn to for care, answers and support. For nutritional counseling or other weight management needs for your child, call Just Kids Pediatrics today at (302) 918-6400.