FAQs about ADHD

Children are naturally curious, energetic and eager to explore, making it difficult to focus on one task or to patiently wait for their turn at something. Developing concentration skills takes time, but if your child seems unable to sit still for reasonable amounts of time, has trouble following directions or has poor self-control it could be a sign of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD.

The pediatricians at Just Kids Pediatrics in Newark, DE, can help diagnose and manage your child's ADHD so they have a better experience at school, with peers, and at home.

What is ADHD?

A mental disorder, ADHD can be hereditary or caused by exposure to environmental toxins or brain injury. It can affect both children and adults, and can cause difficulty controlling impulses or paying attention.

What are the signs of ADHD?

  • Hyperactivity
  • Impulsiveness,
  • Forgetful tendencies,
  • Squirming
  • Disorganization
  • Talking excessively or interrupting
  • Not understanding social cues
  • Inability to follow directions
  • Trouble focusing
  • Disruptiveness

How is ADHD diagnosed?

To diagnose child ADHD, the pediatricians at our Newark, DE, office will perform a physical exam to rule out hearing or vision problems and look at possible mental health factors like depression or anxiety or learning disabilities, the signs of which could overlap with ADHD. They will go over your child's medical history and evaluate how many and at what level of ADHD symptoms they have.

What are the treatments for ADHD?

Lifestyle modifications, medication and behavior therapy, or a combination, are the most common methods of managing ADHD. Rather than starting off with a prescription or advising medication only, it can be beneficial to explore sleep, diet and activity adjustments, or therapy for the child or family. Medication may be the right choice for some patients when used in conjunction with healthy habits.

If you have questions or concerns about child ADHD, call Just Kids Pediatrics in Newark, DE, at (302) 918-6400.