Learn About the Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding offers numerous benefits for both babies and mothers. Also called nursing, breastfeeding helps mothers and babies bond. It also provides a number of health benefits, such as helping prevent diabetes and cancer in moms and babies. The experienced providers at Just Kids Pediatrics in Newark, DE, can answer breastfeeding questions and offer guidance on creating the best possible nursing experience for you and your baby.

Breastfeeding Challenges

Babies are born with a sucking reflex, which enables them to obtain milk from the breast and also stimulates the breast ducts to release milk. While breastfeeding is completely natural, it is not always easy to do. Mothers and babies can each experience different challenges when it comes to nursing.

Some babies might have a hard time latching on to the breast properly, which can make it difficult to get enough milk during feedings. Nursing moms can also experience various problems. Some women are unable to produce enough milk. Others might experience physical discomfort while the baby is nursing or when the breasts become engorged with milk. The skilled breastfeeding experts at our office in Newark, DE, can help with lactation problems and nursing challenges.

Benefits of Breastfeeding

There are several benefits to breastfeeding for both moms and babies. To maximize the emotional and health benefits for you and your baby, it is generally best to nurse for at least six full months if possible. Some primary benefits of breastfeeding include:

  • Nursing helps babies and mothers bond
  • Newborns are able to digest breastmilk easily
  • Breast milk provides the perfect balance of nutrients growing babies need
  • Breast milk provides important antibodies for preventing infections and chronic diseases
  • Breastfeeding has been shown to help prevent diabetes and cancer in mothers and babies
  • Nursing triggers the mother’s body to burn calories and shrink the uterus after birth, which helps with weight loss

Breastfeeding offers so many benefits and creates a wonderful opportunity for babies and moms to bond. Schedule an appointment with one of our caring providers to learn more about breastfeeding by calling Just Kids Pediatrics in Newark, DE, at (302) 918-6400.